How often can you file bankruptcy?

Most people don’t want to file bankruptcy even once, let alone twice or thrice. But there are financial reasons why it may be necessary at times. There are limitations to how frequently a consumer can file, though. Let’s take a look at what those limitations are and how they can...

What are debt settlement programs?

If you’re in debt, you’re certainly not alone. The Federal Reserve estimates that Americans have over $15 trillion in consumer debt. However, if the debt feels like a hole that you may never be able to dig yourself out of, you may be considering a debt settlement program. Here's what...

Best debt management program reviews

If you find yourself deep in debt, you may be considering getting help from a professional. That could mean enrolling in a debt management program (DMP) through a credit counseling agency. Most of these agencies are nonprofits that offer free or low-cost financial services like budget planning, housing advice, debt...

How does a debt management company work?

If your debt is piling up, and you’re finding it tough to stay on top of your payments, you might be looking for some relief. One option to consider is working with a debt management company. Getting relief can seem even more pressing if you’ve already missed some payments, which...

What happens when you file for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy isn’t something most of us want to consider, even when we’ve dug ourselves into a significant financial hole. But in some circumstances, bankruptcy can provide the financial protection and relief we need. Here's what you need to know when you decide to file for bankruptcy. Perhaps the most difficult...

What is debt management?

If you’re struggling with mounting debt, you probably already know the challenges that high interest rates and fees can present. But if you have consistent income and, ideally, a bit of money in savings, debt management may be an option to remedy these challenges. So, what is debt management? Consider...

How to settle IRS debt by yourself

Taxes aren’t exactly a fun part of life, and they certainly aren’t optional. If left unpaid, your tax bill can balloon and cause a huge financial headache, one that might be difficult to get rid of. But what many people don’t know is that they have options when it comes...

How to settle with a debt collector

If you’ve fallen behind on a debt, and the debt collectors are calling, you’re probably under a lot of stress. It’s important, though, not to panic and to come up with a plan of action. Here's how to settle with a debt collector. The first thing you should know is...

How to settle credit card debt

The typical American  household is carrying average credit card debt of $9,333 according to recent research. If you’re among them, you may be dealing with overwhelming debt and looking for a viable solution. Fortunately, there are several options for resolving your debt and debt settlement may be one of them. Once you...

What is debt settlement?

If you’re finding that your debt has become unmanageable, you may be looking at options for paying it down or resolving it altogether. One approach is to establish a debt settlement plan. This isn’t always the right solution, though, so it’s important to assess your financial situation, and then understand...

How does saving in interest help me?

On average, your interests rates for both credit cards and bank loans will be reduced down to 6% with a DMP, which means lower monthly payments for you. DMPs have a payoff time of 60 months or less. This can shave 15 or more years off of a person's credit...

What are the risks of a DMP?

A DMP requires somewhat consistent monthly payments. If you miss a few payments, your plan could end and your debts would go back to the original interest rates.Accounts enrolled in the plan will be closed. This means that when the DMP is over, while the debt is paid and your...

What are the benefits of a DMP?

On average, your interests rates for both credit cards and bank loans will be reduced down to 6%, which means lower monthly payments.They may make it more affordable and have a fixed pay off time of 60 months or less.You won't have to deal with collectors.If you make your agreed-upon...

Can I do a DMP on my own?

No, a credit counseling agency will need to do this for you; however, some creditors may offer hardship plans to you directly. If you decide that a DMP is the right option for you, you’ll need to contact a licensed credit counseling agency in your state. Both the National Foundation for...

How much does a DMP cost?

These plans are highly regulated, so fees vary by state. Typically, a nominal fee is built in to your monthly payment that will always be between 1.7 and 2.5 percent of your total balances enrolled. Most states cap fees between $50 and $75, and a certain percentage of people enrolled...

How long does a DMP take?

Debt management plans typically last 36 to 60 months but cannot exceed 60 months of repayments. You can finish them faster by paying extra when you have more to give, but you won't be able to extend the plan beyond five years.

How does a DMP work?

In order to begin a DMP, you will need to reach out to a credit counseling agency licensed in your state. The agency will work to reduce the interest rates you are currently paying so you can bring down more of the principle. However, you will need steady income, because...

What is a debt management plan (or DMP)?

A debt management plan (also known as a DMP) is a sponsored repayment plan where you work with a nonprofit credit counseling agency to pay back your existing debts. The plan puts all your qualified debts into a single payment, reduces interest rates and often eliminates fees. These plans typically...

How does bankruptcy impact my home?

How much of your home equity is protected in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is determined by the state you live in. A limited number of states protect the entire value of your home, while others protect very little. If you do meet your state's homestead/equity exemptions, you would continue to...

What are the risks of bankruptcy?

There is a period of time where it impacts your credit and may impact your immediate financial goals.History shows the majority of people who file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy risk not completing it, and therefore waste money and time on a solution that did not work.It's public. This doesn't impact most...

What are the benefits of bankruptcy?

Despite the prevailing stigma surrounding bankruptcy, hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. file for bankruptcy protection every year. For many, debt relief under court protection can be the tool they need to get their financial lives back on track. Here are the four main benefits of bankruptcy, and...

How does bankruptcy work?

The two most common types of bankruptcy filings are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. In most cases, you'll want to reach out to a bankruptcy attorney near you and schedule a consultation; most of them do this for free (so if they want to charge you, find a new attorney)....

What is bankruptcy?

Depending on the type of filing, bankruptcy is an opportunity for a consumer to gain protection from creditors using the courts, discharge unsecured debts entirely, or enter into an organized repayment plan. There are different types of bankruptcy filings and pros and cons within each option. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13...

What happens if I get sued?

We have attorneys available that can represent you for as little as $200 that will continue to work on negotiating a settlement, be prepared to pay 50% or higher on lawsuit negotiations. For more information, you can reach out to our support team by emailing or schedule a consultation appointment here!

Why are creditors willing to settle?

It is an accepted business practice for creditors to take less than the balance owed, because they are unlikely to collect on the vast number of accounts that are more than 90 days late. For more information, you can watch this video:

How long does debt settlement take?

Debt settlements do not have a set time of completion. You could have a single account you are already late enough on, and settle it in one day. Settlements typically take as long as it takes you to pull money together to fund the deals. But try not to take...

What is debt settlement?

Debt settlement is the process of paying off your debts for an amount less than you owe. For example, a person with a Chase credit card with a $10,000 balance might only be able to pay $4,000 to close and “settle” the account and have the remaining $6,000 forgiven. You...